Dear Customer, Thanks a lot for your support and purchasing Elegoo products. Select the folder with your language. In that folder you will find: 1. A tutorial. Please read and follow it, or you may want to get the latest tutorial from our website, 2. A folder labeled "code" which contains example programs for many of the chapters in the tutorial. To use these examples, just click on the file named for the chapter (e.g. Lesson 4 RGB LED) and your Arduino application will launch with the sample program already in it, ready to upload. Remember you may need to update the Library! 3. A folder labeled Libraries, that contains additional libraries your Arduino software may need for certain applications. Chapter 1 of the tutorial explains how to use these libraries. Please download the Arduino IDE compatible with your computer system from our website - Should you have any questions or problems please contact us at or Thank you for using our products! Elegoo Support Team